In My Head

Monday, October 30, 2006
OK, here's the deal: I need to think of a new name for this blog.

I am an avid Eddie Izzard fan, which explains the whole "Badger" thing and the "Cake or Death?" subtitle.


I am blown away by the sheer number of hits my blog receives on a DAILY basis from people searching the term "poking a badger" or any of its numerous variants. It totally skews my stats and besides, it irks me. And if that's not a reason enough to change the name, I don't know what is, dammit!

Now, I've spent most of my life writing, yet I cannot think of a good blog title. So help me, internets! There must be someone out there who can come up with a clever, creative new name for my blog!

Leave your suggestions in the Comment section of this post. Please note that there will be no official prize for the author of the winning suggestion...the thrilling frisson of pleasure tingling down your spine will have to suffice whenever you log on to my blog and behold your creation.

The Management


Posted by Lori at 10/30/2006 04:15:00 PM |
I'm laughing so hard, I think I might wet myself!

The part that really sends me over the edge is the commentary underneath each album photo.

I'd just like to mention how thankful I am that I was born too late to experience most of the 1970s.

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Posted by Lori at 10/30/2006 03:04:00 PM |
Sunday, October 29, 2006
This movie finally came to the Ritz Five last week and I saw it yesterday with two of my best girlfriends.

It. was. phenomenal. We couldn't stop talking about it afterwards at dinner.

I thought the film followed the novel pretty faithfully until the end, which left me a little disappointed. I felt that the book had a more somber, if not completely tragic, ending, whereas the movie ended on more of a hopeful, redemptive note. I don't like happy endings all the time...they're just not realistic. Let's face it, many situations in life just don't have happy endings.

Kate's performance was superb, as usual. Patrick Wilson, who played the male lead, was very good (and HOT! Holy smokes, does this guy have a spectacular body!!!) but a bit out of his league, I think. Jennifer Connelly was outstanding as his wife. Really great. Plus there were some very hot, but tastefully filmed, sex scenes. Does it get any better than that?

It was a long film...130 minutes total running time. It did seem to drag in some parts, but I don't think it could've been edited down without losing momentum, and it would have really had an adverse effect on the storyline.

Four stars out of five. Go see it, if it's playing anywhere near you. I may go see it again, just because.

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Posted by Lori at 10/29/2006 08:42:00 AM |
Friday, October 27, 2006
Excerpted from The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock:

If you could wake up tomorrow having acquired any skill or trait, what would it be and why?

Leave your answer in the comment section.

Happy Friday!


Posted by Lori at 10/27/2006 10:02:00 AM |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
(no, I'm not wearing a black leather teddy with a thong and a jaunty cap while prancing around in front of hundreds of horny young Naval officers on a battleship)

Instead, I am TOTALLY stealing this from Teri's blog:

If you could go back in time and tell your 12-year old self ONE thing and one thing only, what would that one thing be?

The difficulty of the assignment? You cannot give that 12-year old you stock tips, lottery numbers, hints to purchase anything like Yahoo or Google, etc. Nothing that will make them infinitely rich.

Rather, the advice would be something for them either to avoid, or to go for, to change or remove from their life so there would be no regrets.

So, with that in mind...what would the adult YOU tell the 12-year old YOU right now to make their life fuller, happier and better?

Leave your answer in the comment section.

PS - Bonus points for anyone who can guess the reference at the top of my post in italics.

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Posted by Lori at 10/25/2006 01:00:00 PM |
How can a man who dresses up and looks this goofy:

Be this freaking hot in real life?

Stay tuned till next time, when PABWAS brings you Part II of "Life's Greatest Mysteries"...

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Posted by Lori at 10/25/2006 10:40:00 AM |
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Last night, I got home from work and realized, as I pulled into my garage, that I had absolutely no recollection of being on the road at all.

Freaky! Has that ever happened to you? It happens to me quite frequently. Usually, I can blow it off, but last night I was totally disturbed by it. Then my mind started messing with me big-time. For just a split second I thought, Maybe I'm not really in my garage now. Maybe I'm dead. Maybe I wasn't paying attention when I was driving on the highway and I got into an accident and got killed and now I just THINK I'm home.

No one else? Allllllrighty then. Time for me to up the meds.

I kid.

Seriously, though. How is it possible to drive eighteen miles and not be consciously aware of it? Am I on auto-pilot to that extent? I couldn't even tell ya what had me engrossed enough to prevent me from recalling my drive home.


Posted by Lori at 10/24/2006 01:10:00 PM |
Friday, October 20, 2006
Well, tomorrow I turn the big 2-9.

One of the best gifts I could possibly give myself is a post dedicated to the smoldering hotness of Wentworth Miller. So without further ado...

Went, that was so nice of you to fly all the way to Philadelphia from Dallas, where you're filming Prison Break, just for my birthday!

But how on earth did you manage to sneak into my living room without a key to my house?

Aw, Went. You didn't have to rob a bank to buy me a birthday gift! Just being able to stare at you for hours on end is enough for me.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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Posted by Lori at 10/20/2006 05:26:00 PM |
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I am not a movie person. If I see five new movies a year, that's a lot. I have a very limited attention span, so it's hard for me to sit still long enough to watch a movie in its entirety. Plus, I always feel like there are better uses of my free time than watching TV or movies. I get antsy and feel something akin to guilt when I sit down to watch movies. Like I should be cleaning my house or exercising instead of plopping my ass on the sofa and zoning out in front of the big screen. Is that weird?

However, I am DYING to see Little Children. I read the novel by Tom Perotta and loved it. And now it's a movie starring Kate Winslet, one of my favorite actresses. I will post another day about my love for and admiration of Kate Winslet. But not today.

Today, I am just completely bummed because this movie is not playing anywhere in the Philadelphia area. Not even at the Ritz. Waaaaaah.

P.S. since I mentioned that I've read the book, I feel compelled to point out that I don't feel antsy or guilty at all when I'm reading. I can spend hours engrossed in books, even some magazines, and never once feel like I should be doing something else. I think it has something to do with the distinction I make between active (reading) and passive (watching movies/TV) activities.

Other books I've recently read:

Scar Tissue - Anthony Kiedis (an autobiography of the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Really interesting but quite repetitive when it came to the parts about his drug use. Still, I was pleasantly surprised)

The Bride Stripped Bare- Nikki Gemmell (another one that blew my mind throughout most of the narrative, but DEEPLY disappointed me in the end)

Shopgirl - Steve Martin (a lightning-fast read, and no, I haven't seen the corresponding movie yet)

The Long Walk - Stephen King (deliciously creepy)

Presentation S.O.S. - David Wiskar (I read that in a panic whilst preparing for my Powerpoint presentation for my firm, and it was surprisingly helpful!)

Any recommendations? I'm always looking for a good read!

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Posted by Lori at 10/19/2006 11:10:00 AM |
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hmmm. Seems I have a reader who logged in from a business located at 500 Monument Road...wonder who that could be?

Actually, I do have an idea who that might be.

Edited to add: actually, the address is 150 Monument Road, not 500 Monument Road. Thanks, anonymous commenter, for reminding me!

Let me tell you a nice little story. This is my homage to Ted Casablancas, the gossip columnist from E! That should clear up any questions about the language used in the story.

ONCE upon a time, there were two girls, Dizzy and Lulu, who were best friends from way back. They went to high school together, hung out all the time, were closer than sisters.

Dizzy had the unfortunate habit of dropping her friends every time a new guy entered her life. Lulu overlooked it for a while, because she enjoyed Dizzy's friendship and figured she would grow out of that behavior.

One day, Dizzy met a guy named Vittorio who came along and just swept her off her feet. Like always, Dizzy pulled away from her girlfriends in order to spend every waking moment with Vittorio. At first, Lulu put up with it, but soon she grew tired of Dizzy's disappearing act. Not only that, but Dizzy also shared some not-so-savory things about Vittorio with Lulu. Such as his penchant for calling her fat (Dizzy was a size 10! and was beautiful and statuesque), dicking Dizzy over when they had dates scheduled, and being generally abusive verbally and unavailable emotionally. Yet Dizzy would drop everything and run to Vittorio's beck and call every single time.

Well, Lulu eventually had heard and seen enough. She hated to see her best friend allowing herself to be mistreated, so she began making some noises about Vittorio. As you might imagine, Dizzy didn't take too kindly to this, and even though Lulu had been friends with Dizzy waaaay longer than Vittorio had been in Dizzy's life, guess whose side Dizzy took? Yeah, I know. The man always wins, right?

Then another complication arose: several months after Dizzy began dating Vittorio, Lulu herself began dating a very nice guy named BJ. Dizzy took it upon herself to begin some kind of completely fucked up competition, unbeknownst to Lulu, to see who would get engaged first. Lulu was completely unaware of this competition and in fact wasn't even THINKING of marriage at this point in her life. BJ, however, was. So when BJ popped the question to Lulu, and she said yes, guess who threw a hissy fit because she was NOT the winner of this imaginary contest? Yup. Dizzy was pissed with a capital P. She had been waiting and hoping and scheming and pretty much doing everything in her power to get Vittorio to propose to her, but Lulu (who couldn't have cared less about getting married in the first place!) went and got engaged first, even though BJ and Lulu had been dating five months' shorter than Dizzy and Vittorio. The nerve!!

Lulu, unaware of Dizzy's unhappiness with her betrothal, asked Dizzy to be in her wedding. Dizzy hemmed and hawed, refusing to give Lulu an answer for several weeks. In the meantime, Lulu designed a wedding website for BJ and her. The website was mostly for the benefit of BJ's mother and female relatives, who all lived out-of-state and who felt "out of the loop" of the wedding planning. Because Dizzy had not given Lulu a definitive "yes" or "no" answer about being in her wedding, Lulu didn't include Dizzy's name in the bridal party section of the wedding website.

Dizzy saw this as the perfect excuse to end the friendship. She called Lulu and told her "I just can't take this anymore. You designed a wedding website and didn't even put my name on it for the bridal party, so that does it. I will NOT be in your wedding, since you obviously don't want me to be in it."

Lulu had no idea how to react to this announcement. She felt like she was damned-if-she-did and damned-if-she-didn't. She wouldn't have dreamt of putting Dizzy's name in the bridal party section of her wedding website because Dizzy never committed to it, and Lulu didn't want to put Dizzy in an uncomfortable position. Yet Dizzy took offense to being excluded from the website anyway, even though she never did give Lulu an answer.

Unfortunately, Dizzy never even gave Lulu a chance to explain all this. She stopped taking Lulu's calls and never responded to Lulu's emailed pleas to discuss it.


Pretty immature, huh?

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Posted by Lori at 10/17/2006 12:06:00 PM |
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Lame attempt at a pun, I know. Bear with me.

Anyway, I followed my RD's advice and tried HIIT (high intensity interval training) for the first time last night. I incorporated it into my normal 2.5 mile nightly walk. The RD told me I should only do this type of activity for 20 minutes, tops, no more than three times a week.

Five words: put a fork in me.

I strapped on my heart rate monitor and started walking at my normal brisk pace for about four minutes, getting my heart rate up to about 134 bpm. Then I took off in a dead sprint (and I DO mean sprint--I ran as fast and as hard as I could, my feet nearly hitting my ass, running as though someone waving an ax were chasing me) for about 30 seconds, measuring my heart rate until it hit about 175 bpm. Then I stopped, not completely, just down to almost a crawl.

That wasn't so bad, I thought to myself. Shoot, I could do this all night.

Hah! As if. I felt great, exhilarated even, after the first two sprint intervals. OK, truth be told, I felt triumphantly smug. You see, I've done some reading on HIIT, and all articles have indicated that one should experience extreme exhaustion following each session, perhaps even nausea or (in severe cases) actual vomiting. But I felt full of vim and vigor!

Until the fourth interval, that is. I ran as hard during that interval as I did back in my track days (which were loooong ago). When I stopped to allow my heart rate to slow down, wooziness hit me mercilessly. It was 10 p.m., my neighborhood was quiet and dark, and I was about a mile from my house. My stomach started hitching as though I would throw up. My legs turned wobbly and I staggered down the street like the town drunk. But what really got to me was the lightheadedness. Several panic-stricken minutes passed during which I swore I would pass out right there in the middle of the street, with no one around to help me. I envisioned myself collapsing across the top of a garbage can (it was trash day today) and being discovered at sunrise by an unsuspecting homeowner.

But I didn't collapse. Instead, I slowed my pace further, taking little mincing steps until my heart rate returned to 134 bpm. I finished my twenty minutes with a fifth interval, willing myself to push through the fear. Then I resumed my normal pace for the remainder of my walk.

I like this. And all research points to the high efficacy of HIIT. We shall see...

FYI: for more HIIT information, check out these sites:


Posted by Lori at 10/11/2006 10:17:00 AM |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Are you a Prison Break fan? This show is crazy good. Yes, it asks the viewer to suspend disbelief to an almost impossible extent, but it's really entertaining--every episode is a cliff-hanger. I even bought Season 1 on DVD and wasted an entire weekend watching all twenty-two episodes. No matter what I'm doing or where I am, I drop everything and plant myself in front of the TV every Monday night at 8 p.m. to watch my show.

While you may know that I am an ardent admirer of one Mr. Wentworth E. Miller III, you might be surprised to learn that his Michael Scofield is NOT my favorite character on the show.

The title of today's post may have tipped you off: I really love me some T-Bag, who is played to the hilt by the masterful Robert Knepper (of HBO's now-defunct Carnevale series). I find it disturbing, to say the least, that I am completely taken with this character. He is devastatingly sexy. Seductive. Animalistic. Grrr, baby! There's just something primal about him. He speaks to my baser side, I suppose. And I love it! I just try not to think about the fact that this character was in the slammer for murder, rape, and pedophilia. Instead, I concentrate on the swagger...the charm...the Alabama drawl.

So here is some random picture spam of my main man T-Bag:

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Posted by Lori at 10/03/2006 03:22:00 PM |

is what drove me into the bizarre frenzy I described in my previous post. Oh yes. It only looks innocent.

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Posted by Lori at 10/03/2006 10:35:00 AM |

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