In My Head

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
(no, I'm not wearing a black leather teddy with a thong and a jaunty cap while prancing around in front of hundreds of horny young Naval officers on a battleship)

Instead, I am TOTALLY stealing this from Teri's blog:

If you could go back in time and tell your 12-year old self ONE thing and one thing only, what would that one thing be?

The difficulty of the assignment? You cannot give that 12-year old you stock tips, lottery numbers, hints to purchase anything like Yahoo or Google, etc. Nothing that will make them infinitely rich.

Rather, the advice would be something for them either to avoid, or to go for, to change or remove from their life so there would be no regrets.

So, with that in mind...what would the adult YOU tell the 12-year old YOU right now to make their life fuller, happier and better?

Leave your answer in the comment section.

PS - Bonus points for anyone who can guess the reference at the top of my post in italics.

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Posted by Lori at 10/25/2006 01:00:00 PM |

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