In My Head

Sunday, October 29, 2006
This movie finally came to the Ritz Five last week and I saw it yesterday with two of my best girlfriends.

It. was. phenomenal. We couldn't stop talking about it afterwards at dinner.

I thought the film followed the novel pretty faithfully until the end, which left me a little disappointed. I felt that the book had a more somber, if not completely tragic, ending, whereas the movie ended on more of a hopeful, redemptive note. I don't like happy endings all the time...they're just not realistic. Let's face it, many situations in life just don't have happy endings.

Kate's performance was superb, as usual. Patrick Wilson, who played the male lead, was very good (and HOT! Holy smokes, does this guy have a spectacular body!!!) but a bit out of his league, I think. Jennifer Connelly was outstanding as his wife. Really great. Plus there were some very hot, but tastefully filmed, sex scenes. Does it get any better than that?

It was a long film...130 minutes total running time. It did seem to drag in some parts, but I don't think it could've been edited down without losing momentum, and it would have really had an adverse effect on the storyline.

Four stars out of five. Go see it, if it's playing anywhere near you. I may go see it again, just because.

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Posted by Lori at 10/29/2006 08:42:00 AM |

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