In My Head

Thursday, October 19, 2006
I am not a movie person. If I see five new movies a year, that's a lot. I have a very limited attention span, so it's hard for me to sit still long enough to watch a movie in its entirety. Plus, I always feel like there are better uses of my free time than watching TV or movies. I get antsy and feel something akin to guilt when I sit down to watch movies. Like I should be cleaning my house or exercising instead of plopping my ass on the sofa and zoning out in front of the big screen. Is that weird?

However, I am DYING to see Little Children. I read the novel by Tom Perotta and loved it. And now it's a movie starring Kate Winslet, one of my favorite actresses. I will post another day about my love for and admiration of Kate Winslet. But not today.

Today, I am just completely bummed because this movie is not playing anywhere in the Philadelphia area. Not even at the Ritz. Waaaaaah.

P.S. since I mentioned that I've read the book, I feel compelled to point out that I don't feel antsy or guilty at all when I'm reading. I can spend hours engrossed in books, even some magazines, and never once feel like I should be doing something else. I think it has something to do with the distinction I make between active (reading) and passive (watching movies/TV) activities.

Other books I've recently read:

Scar Tissue - Anthony Kiedis (an autobiography of the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Really interesting but quite repetitive when it came to the parts about his drug use. Still, I was pleasantly surprised)

The Bride Stripped Bare- Nikki Gemmell (another one that blew my mind throughout most of the narrative, but DEEPLY disappointed me in the end)

Shopgirl - Steve Martin (a lightning-fast read, and no, I haven't seen the corresponding movie yet)

The Long Walk - Stephen King (deliciously creepy)

Presentation S.O.S. - David Wiskar (I read that in a panic whilst preparing for my Powerpoint presentation for my firm, and it was surprisingly helpful!)

Any recommendations? I'm always looking for a good read!

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Posted by Lori at 10/19/2006 11:10:00 AM |

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