The weekend was mostly a washout, due to all the rain we got, so I did some housework on Saturday. Then I got sucked into watching VH-1's 100 Greatest Teen Stars. Seeing all those poster boys from Tiger Beat reminded me how completely boy-crazy I was, even as a little girl. Come to think of it, I'm still kinda boy-crazy. I just love men! I can't relate to women who stop looking at other men as soon as they're married, or even in a relationship. How is that possible? I am constantly checking guys out. And not just sexually--though I regularly encounter one or two guys I could imagine fucking within an inch of their lives, if I and/or they weren't married or otherwise attached. I can usually see at least a few redeeming qualities in most men, even those who wouldn't be considered conventionally attractive--especially if a guy can make me laugh. A guy with a great sense of humor is so freaking hot to almost trumps any other quality or personality trait, in my eyes. I guess I just appreciate the differences between men and women.
Anyway, back on track. Yesterday, I took my mom out shopping for the afternoon. My biggest purchase was a post hole digger from Home Depot, woohoo. Then I came home and mowed the lawn, did some laundry, hung some pictures, and installed the new cellular shade I'd bought for our bathroom window.
Next weekend: going to a bridal shower in upstate NY. Good times, y'all.
Labels: celebrities, deep thoughts, family, home improvement, sex, TV