In My Head

Monday, April 24, 2006
I'm back, and I finally feel somewhat normal again. For two straight weeks after my grandpa died, I felt like I was in a total fog. I had the worst insomnia EVER, and sleeping is the one thing I truly excel at doing. It took me hours to fall asleep, and when I finally did, I was waking up intermittently throughout the night. I'm still having a bit of trouble sleeping, but not as much as before. But for the most part, it seems I've gotten back into my usual routine...going to the gym, cooking real meals, cleaning up the house, doing yardwork. Thankfully.

The weekend was mostly a washout, due to all the rain we got, so I did some housework on Saturday. Then I got sucked into watching VH-1's 100 Greatest Teen Stars. Seeing all those poster boys from Tiger Beat reminded me how completely boy-crazy I was, even as a little girl. Come to think of it, I'm still kinda boy-crazy. I just love men! I can't relate to women who stop looking at other men as soon as they're married, or even in a relationship. How is that possible? I am constantly checking guys out. And not just sexually--though I regularly encounter one or two guys I could imagine fucking within an inch of their lives, if I and/or they weren't married or otherwise attached. I can usually see at least a few redeeming qualities in most men, even those who wouldn't be considered conventionally attractive--especially if a guy can make me laugh. A guy with a great sense of humor is so freaking hot to almost trumps any other quality or personality trait, in my eyes. I guess I just appreciate the differences between men and women.

Anyway, back on track. Yesterday, I took my mom out shopping for the afternoon. My biggest purchase was a post hole digger from Home Depot, woohoo. Then I came home and mowed the lawn, did some laundry, hung some pictures, and installed the new cellular shade I'd bought for our bathroom window.

Next weekend: going to a bridal shower in upstate NY. Good times, y'all.

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Posted by Lori at 4/24/2006 11:32:00 AM |

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