In My Head

Thursday, March 09, 2006
I was so distracted thinking about Flava Flav tonguing all those women while wearing that stupid horned helmet that I totally forgot that tonight is the Results Show for AI.

Here are the people I think will be packing their bags tonight:

Melissa McGhee. She claimed to have won beauty pageants, but I'd like to know ON WHAT PLANET that would have happened. The original Butterface (everything else looks good BUT HER FACE).

Kinnik Sky. Whenever I see her, the first thing that pops into my mind is "post-op transvestite." That, and then Austin Powers yelling, "She's a man, baby!" I'm heartless, aren't I?

Kevin Covais. Chicken Little! I actually kind of rooted for him, because his voice is pleasant and he's as cute as a button. But I just don't see him as American Idol material. And he lisps when he sings, which is incredibly irritating.

Will Makar. Who, in my mind, resembles the spawn of Fred Savage from The Wonder Years and Donnie Osmond, if they mated.

So we'll see...

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Posted by Lori at 3/09/2006 10:26:00 AM |

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