In My Head

Tuesday, February 28, 2006
So I'm a little late to the party with discussing American Idol, but I have to say that my early favorites are Lisa Tucker and Ace Young. However, this post is going to be solely dedicated to Ace.

First of all, YUM! He is totally scrumptious. Kinda reminds me of an Abercrombie & Fitch model. My husband would never believe this, but most of the guys I find attractive have longish hair, scruff, and dress in a style that can only be called "derelicte riche." In my opinion, the only thing that could make Ace hotter is if he had several key body parts pierced -- specifically, his eyebrow and maybe his navel. I just love it when men have subtle, tasteful piercings. HOT.


Secondly, his first solo performance in Hollywood last week was George Michael's "Father Figure." To paraphrase Simon's critique of the performance, this song was a fantastic choice for this guy.

He was all breathy and intense during his performance. When he sang "to be warm and naked, at your side," accompanied by what I assume is the next best thing to the actual expression on his face at the point of orgasm...well, I think I spontaneously ovulated.

He wrapped up the performance by gazing pleadingly into the camera, with a look that Constantine patented on last season's American Idol, creatively and aptly-named "eye-fucking."

My initial reaction to all this? Oh yes, can be my daddy. Every night, baby. Every night.

If you want to bask in the glow of his performance, here's a link.


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Posted by Lori at 2/28/2006 12:58:00 PM |

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