In My Head

Monday, February 06, 2006
So I've been thinking about asking my ob/gyn about Yaz. It's a newly FDA-approved birth control pill, related to Yasmin (which I'm currently taking), but instead of having 21 days on/7 days off, it's 24 days on/4 days off.

This pill is supposed to drastically reduce the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS and PMDD, which sounds just fabulous to me. I'm tired of the bloating. A week ago, I felt yucky and exhausted and fat. I just wanted to eats heaps of mac-n-cheese (which I did -- OK, not HEAPS, but quite a bit more than I should have) and then retire to my bed for the remainder of the day.

Plus I had my annual review at work, during which time I burst into tears when I was reminded of a particularly bad time for me here back in August. Oh, yeah. You read that right: I cried at work in front of my boss. Yikes. Totally embarrassing. It felt almost as if I had no control over myself. I had to excuse myself to the ladies' room to pull myself together. Then I rejoined our meeting and promptly burst into tears again minutes later. I am most definitely NOT a crier, except for that last week of my cycle. Then I weep at the most pathetic things: roadkill, a clogged toilet, and that credit card commercial featuring the 100 Years song by Five for Fighting. Horrifying, isn't it?

Anyway, getting back to Yaz. I have my annual visit to the gyn in early April, so I guess I'll have a chance to talk about it then. I've done some online research and it sounds OK to me. But the name is so weird. Yaz. That was an alternative group back in the 80s, right? Like a Depeche Mode rip-off, I think.

But today is a new day. I'm on my new pill pack, and all is well in the world.

Hope you enjoyed the weekend!

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Posted by Lori at 2/06/2006 01:16:00 PM |

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