"Guess what? Jordan Knight is playing in Calgary this weekend. How funny is that? It's not even at a good bar. Remember our old days of NKOTB? Weren't you obsessed with his brother? Maybe you should fly in just to see it..."
HAH! Yes, I will admit it: I was rabidly obsessed with New Kids on the Block in the late 80s/early 90s. Oh, the shame!
Renee was correct, though. I loved, loved, LOVED Jordan's brother, Jon. Just LOVED him. Went to all the concerts, had all their albums, spent all my allowance money on stupid preteen magazines--BOP, Teen Beat, et. al--that detailed his stats (favorite color: black; favorite food: Italian, first record owned: Snoopy's Christmas; likes girl who are sweet and fun to be with), and had about 900 pictures and posters of him plastered on my bedroom walls. Ugh.
But, my dear blogworld buddies, I will share with you something that is even MORE embarrassing than that. (Does it get any more embarrassing than that? OH YES IT DOES!!) See, I was only 12 at the time, so that's a free pass, as far as I'm concerned.
However...do you remember when, in the late 90s, Jordan Knight had a minor comeback as a solo dance artist? Doing a one-hit wonder song called "Give It To You"? Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about! No need to be ashamed...I know you probably jammed to it, just like I did.
Well, he did a club tour supporting that album, which my three girlfriends and I just HAPPENED to hear about on the radio. And then we just HAPPENED to go to the club in Philadelphia where he HAPPENED to be playing that night. Yeah, and we HAPPENED to get right up in front of the stage before showtime. My friend Danielle was standing next to me, and when Jordan came out on stage, we immediately reverted into 12 year old fangurls, jumping up and down and screeching at the top of our lungs. I was clutching Danielle's hand so hard that she later said she thought I'd broken it. We screamed until we went hoarse. And when he left the stage, I swear to you, he looked directly AT ME and smiled his little dimpled grin, then WAVED to me. OMG!!!!! Get the smelling salts! Swoon!
But I will take comfort in the fact that we were certainly not the only girls in the crowd behaving like teenagers over him.
Thanks for reminding me, Renee!
Labels: celebrities, concerts, friends, funny stuff, memories, music, nostalgia