In My Head

Monday, November 06, 2006
Do you think it's maybe just a wee bit premature to have Christmas decorations littering your front lawn right now?

I took my regular walk last night and saw that one of our neighbors had every imaginable Christmas monstrosity already out and LIT UP on his property. You know what I mean...the huge, inflatable Christmas snowglobe, the illuminated, animatronic reindeer (creepy!), and icicle lights hanging from every eave of the house.

I was most amused by the fact that the house directly across the street still has its huge, inflatable Halloween jack-o'lantern on the front lawn.

It's almost as though they're competing to see whose front lawn can look the tackiest.

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Posted by Lori at 11/06/2006 01:24:00 PM |

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