In My Head

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Man, am I tired. I've been sleeping poorly for two weeks, due to my stress over this exam I'm taking tomorrow. Last night, Brian was asking me questions from the sample exam, and I actually fell asleep while he was reading a question to me!

Oddly enough, a few days ago I got a fortune from a fortune cookie that read "If you think you can, you can." So I taped it to my computer monitor at work and have been repeating it to myself frequently. Whatever works, right?

At this point, I don't know how much more studying I can do. I either know the material or I don't, and no amount of additional studying is going to help me either way. Logically, I know that I am well-prepared, but I always doubt myself. Always. I don't know why.

If I pass this test, I've already promised myself that I will break down and get an iPod. Gasp! Yes, I've decided that it's time to finally move into the twenty-first century. Aren't you proud?

Also, I've been getting up around 5:45 a.m. and hitting the gym from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., then coming to my office to shower and dress for work. There is a small ladies' locker room in my building, complete with stall shower, which is pretty cool...if it weren't so freaking grody! I just shower as quickly as possible without touching anything and, of course, while wearing flip-flops. Eeew.

It feels good to get my workout in early, so my evenings are free. Unfortunately, around 1 p.m. I hit a wall, energy-wise. And today it appears that I'm hitting my wall at 10:30 a.m. instead of after lunch.

I am going to bed very early tonight.

Think good thoughts for me tomorrow afternoon!

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Posted by Lori at 6/27/2006 10:45:00 AM |

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