In My Head

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
As a V-Day gift, I bought the Huz The Departed. We watched it on Sunday night.

Yes, it was a terrific film. Blew me away, as a matter of fact. But that is not why I'm posting about it.

The reason I'm posting about it is because I couldn't NOT post about this: Sweet JESUS, is Leonardo DiCaprio HOT HOT HOT HOT SMOOOOOOKING HOT in this film! Gah!

Poor, poor Brian--I could sense his discomfort watching this movie with me. I kept making little involuntary noises every time Leo came on the screen. I couldn't help it, I swear!

This is the first movie I have seen Leonardo DiCaprio in in which he appears to actually be a grown man, not a boy.

Dear Lord. I haven't felt this way about LD since he was in Romeo & Juliet.

I particularly like this photo because it looks like LD is ready to lean in and plant a nice, wet, soulful kiss on Matt Damon. And if that's not hot, I really don't know what is.

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Posted by Lori at 2/20/2007 12:51:00 PM |

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