In My Head

Friday, August 11, 2006
The internet makes the world smaller every single day.

After dinner last night, The Huz announced that he was going to head over to the municipal building to pay our annual tax bill. He asked me if I wanted to go with him, but I declined.

Turns out I should've gone, because when he got home, he said to me, "The tax collector said hello."

I said, "Whaaaa? Yeah, right."

He said, "No, seriously. When I got over there and wrote out the check, he saw your name on it and told me, 'I read your wife's blog.'"

I said, "Heh, that's pretty funny. So what did you tell him?"

He replied, "I told him 'thanks, I'll let her know.'"

So say hello, Mark! I'm very impressed--you must have a hell of a memory to remember my full name. Don't be shy!

Lastly: I got a joke a few weeks ago from a friend of mine that I've been wanting to post here, but just never got around to it. It's definitely not PC, but it cracks me up every time I think of it:

Two dwarfs go into a bar, where they pick up two women and take them to their separate hotel rooms.

The first dwarf, however, is unable to get an erection.

His depression is made worse by the fact that, from the next room, he hears his little friend shouting out "Here I come again! One, two, three, UH!" all night long.

In the morning, the second dwarf asks the first, "So how did it go?"

The first mutters, "It was so embarrassing. I simply couldn't get it up."

The second dwarf shook his head. "You think THAT'S embarrassing? I couldn't even get on the bed!"



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Posted by Lori at 8/11/2006 10:14:00 AM |

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