In My Head

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I took this picture on my regular walk a few nights ago.

OK, so my new camera phone takes lousy photos.

Or maybe it's just operator error.

Or maybe...just maybe...the quality of this particular photo is so crappy because my poor camera phone was too busy recoiling in horror at the display of Christmas monstrosities on this property to capture a decent picture.

All I can say is Thank Dog this house is three streets over from mine. It has been literally lit up like Las Vegas since Thanksgiving.

This is the same house, by the way, where passersby can admire a lovely array of Confederate flags snapping proudly in the breeze every other day of the year. Oh yeah...and a bunch of Nascar banners, too.

Every neighborhood has one of these houses, right?


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Posted by Lori at 12/21/2006 11:15:00 AM |

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